
Kristy Travel & Dive


如果說旅行有旅行的playlist, 那作為潛水員的我們應該也有潛水員playlist. 雖然純粹寫潛水的歌曲不多,但有很多跟海洋有關的音樂呢~無論你是準備去潛水旅行、抑或是在海島上躺在沙灘上吹海風、甚至直接帶手機套個防水殼邊潛水邊聽~這些歌曲都很適合你。

Spotify小編編制”All About Ocean” 歌單►

#Spotify Premium會員可以在沒有網絡鏈接的情況下下載音樂並離線收聽 點擊連結註冊即可獲得兩個月免費會員►


1. How Far I’ll Go – Auli’i Cravalho

“See the line where the sky meets the sea? It calls me
And no one knows, how far it goes
If the wind in my sail on the sea stays behind me
One day I’ll know, if I go there’s just no telling how far I’ll go”


《海洋奇緣》(Moana) 算是最近期的潛水員卡通電影,也是小編最愛的卡通電影,因為主角也是有點顛覆傳統去尋找自我,對未知海洋有著無限的嚮往。這首主題曲每次聽到都會充滿能量,為了海洋和潛水勇敢向前進!

2. The Ocean ft. Shy Martin – Mike Perry

“I can never get enough
Diving deep into the ocean


Mike Perry的 The Ocean,雖然描述的是愛情多於海洋,但潛水員都想每天Diving deep into the ocean!憑著節奏感強的音樂,讓我們一起跟你們潛入這愛情的海洋吧~




3. Under the Sea – The Little Mermaid

“Just look at the world around you
Right here on the ocean floor
Such wonderful things surround you
What more is you lookin’ for?”


《小美人魚》的插曲,響起幾秒音樂就會開始跟著唱Under the Sea~Under the Sea~其中幾句Up on the shore they work all day, Out in the sun they slave away..(他們在水上工作了一整天,在陽光下,像奴隸一样) 就算我們不是美人魚也很同意在水下真的太美好了



4. Someday – Passenger

“Where’s somewhere I can cross the sea
In a land that’s lost and free
With my darling close to me
At least where I’m supposed to be”


感同身受的歌詞,就連MV 的畫面都是海和海龜等,加上令人放鬆的旋律,總會令我想起龜島時的一切,最巧合的是歌手是在泰國某小島創作這首歌~



5. Wetsuit – The Vaccines

“Put a wetsuit on, come on, come on
Grow your hair out long, come on, come
Put a t-shirt on
Do me wrong, do me wrong, do me wrong”


The Vaccines 的 Wetsuit,有著結他和是打擊樂,像是清涼的微風及平靜的海浪。還要不停唱著“Put a wetsuit on, come on, come on”,立刻想穿上濕衣潛水去!



6. Divers and Submarines – Passenger

“Yeah, we sunk down to the bottom of the sea
Oh no,
‘Cause I saw divers and submarines”





7. Underwater – Joshua Radin

“Everybody’s too loud, I can’t listen to myself
I need somewhere I can go
Underwater is where I’ll go
Ooh, underwater”




8. Oceans – Seafret

“It feels like there’s oceans
Between me and you once again
We hide our emotions
Under the surface and try to pretend
But it feels like there’s oceans
Between you and me”


Seafret 的 Ocean 描述兩個人的感情中,有時候距離就像海洋一樣太大太廣闊,所以只好假裝不讓對方感到痛苦。雖然是以愛情為主題,但好喜歡這個旋律,慢慢的、悠閒的結他節奏,就像在水裡慢慢游動時的感受。



9. Beyond The Sea – Bobby Darin

“Somewhere beyond the sea
Somewhere waiting for me
My lover stands on golden sands
And watches the ships that go sailing”


作為潛水員喜愛電影之一,怎可能沒有看過電影 《海底奇兵》(Finding Nemo) ?在電影中一定有聽過一個很熟悉的旋律,就是來自這首歌“Beyond the sea”,一首對海洋深處的讚美之歌。



10. 海洋 – 陳建年



台灣人原住民男歌手陳建年的 《海洋》,簡單的歌詞但帶出了海洋和大自然的美,彈著結他,一邊聽著海浪聲,心真的飛到台灣東海岸。



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